Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Giving Gift Cards for Christmas

Credit CardsImage by Andres Rueda via Flickr
Well, I decided to add another post about gift cards. I did a little research on the fees associated with bank issued gift cards...Visa, Mastercard, and American Express. Read the fine print! Here's a link to a very informative video about gift cards and fees. http://moneywatch.bnet.com/saving-money/video/gift-cards-fees-and-fine-print/367592/ 

American Express seems to have no fees after purchasing, no expiration date, and no fee for dormancy. The link for the terms and conditions is: https://www212.americanexpress.com/dsmlive/dsm/dom/us/en/personal/cardmember/additionalproductsandservices/giftcardsandtravelerscheques/amexgiftcard_cardholderagreement.do?vgnextoid=2d49e6e93492a110VgnVCM200000d0faad94RCRD&vgnextchannel=95ddb81e8482a110VgnVCM100000defaad94RCRD
Here you will find FAQ'S. They have business gift cards and personal gift cards. Their link is: https://www.americanexpress.com/gift/giftcardslanding.shtml?ne_ppc_id=839&ne_key_id=5339907&gclid=CK6-n9evpqMCFQuenAodHycT4w 

GiftCards.com has many cards to choose from, but they also come with fees. Depending on the amount of the card, the fee is between $3.95, $4.95 and $5.95. Also there is a $4.95 service fee deducted after 12 months of inactivity, a $4.95 replacement fee for lost or stolen cards. It's got a 7 year expiration date. Now I don't know about you, but if someone gives me a gift card, I would be out shopping as soon as possible! It would burn a hole in my pocket!

Retail stores sell all sorts of gift cards. So if you're really sure of what tastes your recipient has, go for it. It may be easier and less expensive than a bank issued card.


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